Politics of the USA in regard to Central Asia: marketabilities and prospect


  • A. Serykkyzy
  • М. S. Myrzabekov
        136 38


Central Asia, USA, geopolitics, strategy, democracy, competition,


Central Asia in it, the region, earlier inaccessible to other countries, its advantageous geopolitical position, existence of considerable natural resources, first of all oil and gas, prospect of creation of the transport infrastructure connecting the West and the East, a role of the base of fight against the international terrorism turned it into one of the most attractive object of geopolitical and geostrategic claims to great powers. These circumstances led to opposition between geopolitical centers of force for influence in central – Asian region. After September 11, 2001, Central Asia appeared in the center of fight for strategic domination in it key players – USA, Russia and China which gained global character. In 1999 Central Asia was sent to a zone of responsibility of the Central command of the USA that sharply strengthened process of military cooperation with the states of the region. Thus, the USA set the purpose to include the region in system of own geostrategic and geopolitical coordinates pursuing the aims of strengthening of their positions in global scales.


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