Globalization and global language


  • А. Sh. Baitukayeva
  • S. D. Kuatbekova
        200 65


globalization, global language, the concept of globalization,


In the era of globalization progress cannot be achieved without a multilingual policy. Therefore, in the 21st century the challenge of expansion of linguistic capital is an important trend. Nowadays globalization embraces many different areas in the lives of the societies involved: the sciences, cultural activities, education, religion, the spread of new technologies and information systems, introduction of new technologies in production. Language as a means of communication is one of the essential indicator of society. In today’s world we are aware of the growing role of the English language, a window into the world of innovation, technology and business. The paper studies different points of view to the process of globalization which is the dominant tendency of the world development. Particular attention is given to the role of languages in modern world.


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