Main strategies for preventing crime in negligence among medical workers
medical staff, reckless crime, iatrogenic, medical error, health,Abstract
One of the priorities of combating crime in reckless activities of health workers is to develop preventive interventions aimed at the activities of medical institutions and are intended to identify and neutralize the causes and conditions of this negative social phenomenon. To date, existing criminal laws to bring you health workers accountable for negligent infliction of grievous bodily harm or death to patients only in those cases where the consequences have come. Missed danger to life and health of individuals, due to the actions of unqualified health worker remains out of view of criminal law. In addition, we would like to draw attention to the idea of the possibility of influencing crime among health workers through social conditions of its existence, and not through ordinary measures. This thesis is proclaimed by many criminologists Kazakhstan, and we fully parts. Activity to prevent this type of crime in modern conditions should be based on a thorough, comprehensive study and analysis of its social causes.References
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How to Cite
Jetibayev, N. S. (2016). Main strategies for preventing crime in negligence among medical workers. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy