The experience of legal regulation of Islamic banks activity in foreign countries


  • Z М. Baimagambetova
  • L. М. Murgazulova
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Islamic banks, financial institute, investment, principles of Sharia, legal regulation,


In this article considered legal regulation of Islamic banks on the example of foreign countries.Actuality of research this theme is conditioned by rapid growth of islamic financial system, also economic necessity for Kazakhstan to use experience of such countries, as the USA, Great Britain, France on unification of norms sheriat with the international standards of the European countries. Authors open up basic stages of development of the islamic banking system, features of functioning of islamic banks are explored from traditional. Emergent problems of legal character identified: absence of single rules and standards between states, it make difficult realization of bank transactions, insufficiency of legal knowledge in correlation with principles of sharia. In final part authors make comparative analysis of methods and ways of the legal regulation of activity islamic banks muslim and nonmuslim(western) countries.


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