Concept of efficiency of criminal law
the criminal law, legal reform, efficiency of the right, a right inefficiency, sociology of law, partnership in a crime, co-performance,Abstract
This article considered one of the problems of sociology of criminal law – questions of efficiency of criminal law. Need of studying of a problem of efficiency of criminal law is that reforming of the criminal legislation and the subsequent modification and additions of its contents have to answer goals during the legislative work and to the tasks established in criminal legislation. Considering features of legal system of the state, during research the conclusion that efficiency of action of each branch of the right is determined by specific signs which proceed from the purposes and problems of the law. Efficiency of action of the right though represents the generalized concept, however, degree of efficiency of the right during action of one criminal legislation can be various depending on realization of a goal and problems of the law which in sociology of criminal law means criteria of efficiency of the law. For ensuring applied character of the touched subject in article some questions of partnership in a criminal offense are studied.References
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How to Cite
Apenov S. М. (2016). Concept of efficiency of criminal law. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy