Method of topographical modeling as a way of the solution of criminalistic identification tasks


  • К. N. Shakirov
        59 50


forensics, topographic modeling method, topographic information, attributes of objects, the process of knowledge, automation expert research, formalization,


In the article one of the ways of improvement of criminalistictracelogical research is considered. The author offered the method of topographical modeling expanding possibility of use of the topographical information reflecting signs of objects in expert practice. In theory and practice of criminalistic examination topographical information isn’t allocated as spesific one in respect of conceptual judgment of signs of an external structure of objects. Nevertheless, the article proves the conclusionthat in the course of the criminalistic analysis of morphological features of objects experts quite often use the data of topological character which are included sometimes into the content of such concepts as «set of signs», «a complex of signs», «an identification field» for substantiation. On the basis of the analysis of the offered method possibility of transformation of topographical models in an optic form with its subsequent transformation to graphic model is shown. Such approach eventually creates prerequisites for mathematical interpretation of the received results.


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How to Cite

Shakirov К. N. (2016). Method of topographical modeling as a way of the solution of criminalistic identification tasks. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from