Dispute settlement mechanism of regional courts and WTO: questions of duplicating process


  • А. N. Uskenbayeva
  • B. Amandosuly
        57 35


Dispute Settlement Body of World Trade Organization, duplicating legal proceedings, regional integration association,


The article is devoted to the questions of the duplicating legal proceedings between judicial bodies of regional integration associations and DSB of WTO. Initially, the authors analyze some articles of the WTO agreements (GATT and GATS) about forming and functioning of the regional integration associations and control mechanisms of the WTO in relation to them. Further, in the text various approaches of correlation between WTO law and agreements of regional associations are considered. The authors give various examples about cases of the duplicating legal proceedings, list possible consequences at emergence of them and consider the main opportunities of solving such cases.


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How to Cite

Uskenbayeva А. N., & Amandosuly, B. (2016). Dispute settlement mechanism of regional courts and WTO: questions of duplicating process. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/107