The Eurasian Economic Community is a new opportunity to develop transit potential of Kazakhstan
Кілттік сөздер:
Potential of transit, transcontinental bridge, logistics, globalization, Europe, Asia,Аннотация
This article describes the new features of the development of transit potential of Kazakhstan’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union. Our successful geographical location is the basis for sustainable economic development. Kazakhstan has a good potential to become a transcontinental bridge between Europe and Asia. Considering globalization of the world economy, Kazakhstan needs to raise a transit potential of the country. Geographical position allows us to create transport and logistics routes not only in regional significance but also in global significance. The location of our country, between the area of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe, will help us make more money. Kazakhstan is not only a transcontinental bridge between Europe and Asia, but also in the process of raising the economy to a new level.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
1 Nazarbaev N. A. Dolgosrochnaya strategi’’ya razvi’’ti’’ya Kazahstana «Kazahstan – 2030»//
2 Bekmagambetov M. M. Pwti’’ povi’sheni’’ya i’’ e’ffekti’’vnogo i’’spol#zovani’’ya tranzi’’tno-transportnogo potenci’’ala
Kazahstana. – Almati’, 2009. – S. 20.
3 Transportnaya strategi’’ya Respwbli’’ki’’ Kazahstan do 2015 goda //
2 Bekmagambetov M. M. Pwti’’ povi’sheni’’ya i’’ e’ffekti’’vnogo i’’spol#zovani’’ya tranzi’’tno-transportnogo potenci’’ala
Kazahstana. – Almati’, 2009. – S. 20.
3 Transportnaya strategi’’ya Respwbli’’ki’’ Kazahstan do 2015 goda //
Как цитировать
Нурланова Н. K., & Калиева A. Б. (2016). The Eurasian Economic Community is a new opportunity to develop transit potential of Kazakhstan. Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы, 70(2). вилучено із
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