New Energy Union: concepts, problems and prospects


  • N. М. Ablayeva
  • R Е. Elemesov
        29 26


Energy Union, the EU’s energy security and diversification of supply, a single energy market,


The paper describes the basic concepts and perspectives Energy Union. Energy policy is one of the most pressing policy of the European Union Energy is an industrial bread, without which neither economic growth nor progress in science and technology, not to mention the simple comfort of life. It is not surprising that energy security issues in civilized countries are nominated in the first place. currently, the main problems that hinder progress in the energy market are the lack of market integration, maintenance uncoordinated national policies and the lack of a common position in relation to third countries outside the EU. Meanwhile, Europe’s energy security is largely linked to the independence from the suppliers of those resources. The EU imports 53% of energy consumption. Some countries depend on one main supplier of gas. Union Energy Policy Framework presents a vision of the future, and combines measures in different areas into a single coherent strategy.


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