International huma� -n rights standards and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • М. Сaмaлдыков
        34 19


International law aims primarily to protect the inalienable human rights and freedoms, which include the right to life, health, liberty, personal integrity, honor and dignity. The articles included in chapter 1 of the Criminal Code ( «Criminal offenses against the individual») almost completely repeat the above list of objects of international legal protection. Thus, Art. 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 2 of the European Convention declare an intrinsic right of all to life, liberty and security of person. Life and human health of the Criminal Code were the most important objects of criminal law protection. This article is devoted to just the same norms of the Criminal Code through the prism included in these international standards, which have become objects of national criminal law protection.
Key words: inalienable human rights and freedoms, international standard, criminal offenses.


