The trade balance of Kazakhstan in the conditions of world crisis


  • А. М. Myrzakhmetova
  • А. Kubeyeva
        46 24


trading balance, export, import, income,


This article analyzes the country’s trade balance over time, shows the changes that took place in Kazakhstan’s foreign trade from 2005 to the present. Authors analyze trends, factors and features that led to the changes in the trade balance of the country. They analyze the impact of the global financial crisis on the trade balance, exports and imports of goods and services, income country residents and non-residents. The authors identify the main problems and the negative effects of raw material orientation of Kazakhstan’s exports, justify the need to diversify and modernize the economy of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. Authors have carried out economic, statistical, comparative account analysis of current transactions of the balance payment of Kazakhstan in dynamics, therefore they offer the ways of enhancement of economic development and recovery from the crisis.


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6 Obzory tsen na neft I metally:
7 The balance of payments and the exchange rate, Anthony J. Makin, International Economics, Finance and Trade – Volume I:
