The necessity of creation of a new structure of Kazakhstan economy in the Eurasian economic union


  • R. Е. Sarbayeva
  • Е. К. Myrzatayev
        42 21


economic structure, Kazakhstan, Eurasian integration, Customs Union, Eurasian economic union, WEF,


Today the phenomena forming global economic spaces, strengthen integration processes between the countries on a global scale. Global processes influence on the reforming of economic structures of the states, the formation of new economic policies.
In this article the activity of Kazakhstan in the global, regional integration processes is defined by the authors. The importance of Eurasian integration in the globalized process is considered in the article. As we see from the history globalization tendencies start from the regional integration, thus, the study of the structure of the economy of Kazakhstan becomes one of the actual themes in the transition to the market economy. Therefore, the authors tried to give analysis of the new economic structure of Kazakhstan in the Euroasian space. The Messages of the President and state programs, projects which are of the international importance are taken as a basis for this purpose, as well as, the materials of the World economic forum. In the article the analysis offorming economic structures of the Kazakhstani economy, special recommendations on the sectors of economic structure are given and the actual problems in this field are defined


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