Muslim migration problem and pjlitics of south Europe countries


  • Zh. Idrysheva
  • B. Balaubayeva
        62 57


migration, immigration, Muslim immigration, migration policy, South Europe, “Arab spring”, European Union,


The article discusses problems of Muslim migration to countries of South Europe and their politics of migration regulation. Based on historical review of Muslim migration processes to South Europe the current situation in this sphere is studied. Europe is known as one of the most attractive migration centers. Muslim migration problems has dramatically intensified in result of series of Arab uprisings. “Arab spring” caused new migration wave. Thus, its impact seriously affected such countries as Italy, Greece and Spain due to their proximity to Africa. Migrants directly change foreign and interior policy of these countries. Migration control system of South Europe countries demonstrated its weakness whilst European common migration policy has not developed yet. Resolution of the problem requires common approach. European unanimity can guarantee successful future of EU.


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