Peculiarities of the Chinese vocabulary usage in the internet networks


  • А. Т. Suleimenova
  • К. K. Smagulova
        35 22


abbreviation, lexical reductions, internet, mixed reductions, hieroglyph, computer,


In the article the features of the use of the Chinese vocabulary are examined in the internet networks. In connection with development of modern technologies the amount of new vocabulary increases in Chinese. Mainly all of them are adopted from English and translated into the Chinese language of different ways. For example: abbreviation; lexical reductions arising up through the process of truncating of end of word to the syllable; syllable reductions, being initials syllables; reductions of words, expressions, by the transferrable alphabet of pinyin; mixed English and Chinese reductions consisting of English-language abbreviation and hieroglyph; phonetics and lexical reductions; numbers and hieroglyphs reductions. Along with that the new forms of communication give many opportunities to Chinese society, also has negative influence. This question disturbs the Chinese government.


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