The role of Beijing Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts in ensuring of International aviation security


  • Т. А. Trofimova
  • S. М. Sylkina
        184 47


Beijing Convention 2010 y., civil aviation, Beijing Protocol 2010 y., act of unlawful interference, seizure of aircraft,


International treaties improve inclusive of scientific technical progress which influences on methods of commitment crimes in the sphere of aviation security. Nowadays aviation security deals in more extended meaning. It concerns not only crimes which directed against of security of objects of civil aviation, but also with crimes which connect with inadequate using of civil aviation. The role of Beijing Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation 2010 y. in ensuring of aviation security is shown in this article. Innovations of Convention which reflect present-day situation is dealt. For example, it is expanded list of new forms of crimes which are directed against security of civil aviation. Also, the role of Beijing Protocol supplementary to the Hague Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft is shown. There are new methods for commitment of unlawful seizure of aircraft which classifies as a crime.


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