Regulatory framework the legal status of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union


  • S. Zh. Aidarbayev
  • А. B. Arshabekova
        43 34


Eurasian Economic Union, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union, legal and regulatory framework,


The article deals with the regulatory framework governing the legal status of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union. This regulatory framework is contained in the basic international legal instruments of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union: the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union and the Statute of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The study clarified principles of the Eurasian Economic Union, defined that the Eurasian Economic Commission is the only supreme body of the EAEU, whose decisions are directly applicable for Member States of the Union, and also revealed the existence of a hierarchy of acts constituting the right of the Union on the basis of their legal force.


1 Dogovor о Еvraziyskom economicheskom souze (Аstana, 29 maya 2014 goda) //
2 V Аstane glavi Kazakhstana, Belarusi i Rossii podpisali Dogovor о sozdanii ЕАES //
3 Statut Suda Еvraziyskogo economicheskogo souza. Priloghenie №2 k Dogovoru о Еvraziyskom economicheskom souze оt 29 maya 2014 goda //
4 Istoria Suda Еvraziyskogo economicheskogo souza // /main.aspx?guid=22551
5 Pologhenie о Еvraziyskoy economicheskoe komissii. Priloghenie №1 k Dogovoru о Еvraziyskom economicheskom souse оt 29 maya 2014 goda //
