The development of relations between Russia and the European Union, and the main aspects of cooperation


  • Zh. K. Idrysheva
        110 82


Russian Federation, the European Union, integration, globalization, cooperation, economic cooperation, political cooperation


This article is opened theevolutionof relationsbetween the Russia and the EuropeanUnion and themain aspects ofcooperation.The author focuseson theestablishment and development ofrelationsbetween the RussianFederation and the EuropeanUnion, key aspects ofbilateral, in particular political and economic cooperation. Relations between Russia and the European Union consist of the institutional architecture, which allows discussing the various problems of different levels of world politics. Cooperation between Russia and the European Union gives the fruits of productive at this stage. Results of these are the signed treaties and agreements in the field of economics, politics, social policy and security between the two entities, and the development of programs and their implementation.The authoranalyses theplaceand the role of the EuropeanUniontoRussia, and Russiatothe EU, shows theproblems in the establishmentof cooperation.


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How to Cite

Idrysheva, Z. K. (2016). The development of relations between Russia and the European Union, and the main aspects of cooperation. International Relations and International Law Journal, 62(2). Retrieved from