Current state and problems of effective use of National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • L. А. Medukhanova
  • А. B. Kozhataeva
        56 24


National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, functions of sovereign funds, effective use, management of National fund,


Solving the tasks, designated in the Message of the President of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan «Nurlyzhol» – the way to the future» in the next years in Kazakhstan, assumes use of considerable means from National fund of RK. In this regard the isuue of realization of its functions designated at creation of this fund and effective use of its accumulation again becomes actual. The model of formation and use of means of National fund of Kazakhstan and its structure can’t remain invariable at different stages of economic development of the country. Now it is necessary to make a number of changes to its functioning, proceeding from world experience of the organization of activity of sovereign funds and modern problems of economy of our country. For today, first of all, it is required to provide effective use of the accumulations of fund directed on financing of the priority projects designated in the program «Nurlyzhol».


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