Укрaинa в системе междунaродных отношений


  • Ә. Әмірхaновa
  • К. Мaкaшевa
        66 35


Problems of modern foreign policy of Ukraine, its relationship with
the states in the world. In the early beginning of creation foreign policy
of independent Ukraine, its development, formation according to the international
standards is reflected in work. The article discusses the impact
of foreign policy on the economic development of the state. In addition,
in article the comparative analysis of relationship of the state with the different
countries, including development of the bilateral relations with the
Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out. The article describes the role of
Ukraine in the system of international relations and the main Direction of
foreign policy of Ukraine.
Key words: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, foreign policy, economic policy, international


Как цитировать

Әмірхaновa Ә., & Мaкaшевa К. (2018). Укрaинa в системе междунaродных отношений. Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право, 76(4), 30–35. извлечено от