Некоторые aспекты внешне-политической деятельности Республики Кaзaхстaн нa современном этaпе


  • М. Сарыбаев
  • А. Ахметжанова
        72 40


The article deals with questions of foreign policy activity of Kazakhstan
at the present stage. Kazakhstan’s foreign policy are reflected in the «New
Kazakhstan’s foreign policy concept of «2014-2020»Approved in 2014,
the document was not for the people, for the international community
than the unprecedented new as president, the competent authorities have
already opened many times in their speeches those tenets and principles
on which moves the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international arena. An
important priority of Kazakhstan’s diplomacy is, and will be the promotion
of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy initiatives abroad, and the presentation of
the global community of Kazakhstan’s economic development model of
«Kazakhstan-2050». On the basis of the study documents, authors were
analyzed and taken further forecast the further direction of foreign policy
vector of Kazakhstan.
Key words: Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign policy, Kazakhstan’s foreign
policy concept.


Как цитировать

Сарыбаев, М., & Ахметжанова, А. (2018). Некоторые aспекты внешне-политической деятельности Республики Кaзaхстaн нa современном этaпе. Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право, 76(4), 24–28. извлечено от https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/944