Трехстороннее взаимодействие Япония – СШA – Китай в контексте сотрудничества с ЕС


  • М. Губайдуллина
  • Д. Калматаева
        64 88


Japan has traditionally maintained a high level of relations with the
United States is committed to balanced relations with China. Japan, having
sufficiently high levels of trade and economic relations with the highly
developed European countries, only recently gone on a way of establishing
a partnership agreement with the European Union. Such promotion of
bilateral ties contributed to the objective circumstances, and above all the
fact of the economic union and political proximity to the EU states. The
international policy of Japan reached a new level of multilateral and multivector
course, she is actively involved in the approval of the priorities at
the international level. The novelty of the Japanese International events
characterized by increased pragmatism and triangular cooperation with
the US, China, the EU is a definite shift in its foreign policy. Japan goes
beyond the usual for her sphere of influence. A new foreign policy turn
Japan shows its activity in establishing cooperation with the states of Eurasia,
especially with individual members of the Eurasian Economic Union
– Russia, Kazakhstan.
Key words: Japan, the EU, China, the United States, the Eurasian region,
security, international cooperation.


Как цитировать

Губайдуллина, М., & Калматаева, Д. (2018). Трехстороннее взаимодействие Япония – СШA – Китай в контексте сотрудничества с ЕС. Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право, 76(4), 14–22. извлечено от https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/943