Голлистские принципы внешней политики в трaнсрегионaльных реaлиях периодa после «холодной войны»


  • K. Baizakova
  • P. Chabal
        64 31


This article is dedicated to study one of the aspects of Charles de
Gaulle`s legacy, the first President of the Fifth Republic in France, namely
to his principles in foreign policy. How relevant are these principles today,
in the conditions of the post cold war international relations? Key in concept
of French diplomacy are terms of national independence. Whole General
de Gaulle`s activity in period of exile, and in the period of presidency was
devoted to general aim – to achieve true national independence of France
in the international level. Official position and the concept of Gaullism
in the issue of European integration was also subordinated to the task to
preserve the independence of member states of the European Community.
On the other hand, namely Charles de Gaulle advocated the principles of
multilateralism. Despite the change of geopolitical situation after the end
of the cold war, France retains basic principles of its own foreign policy
founded by S. de Gaulle. The essence of these principles – preservation
of national independence of France in the name of its national interests.
Key words: Gaullism, French foreign policy, interregional cooperation,
multilateralism, national interests.


Как цитировать

Baizakova, K., & Chabal, P. (2018). Голлистские принципы внешней политики в трaнсрегионaльных реaлиях периодa после «холодной войны». Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право, 76(4), 4–12. извлечено от https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/942