Features of the object of the criminal offense trafficking composition


  • N. S. Jetibayev
  • А. S. Poiyzbayeva
        65 57


human trafficking, criminal offense object, interests imprisonment harm,


It is well known that the structuring of criminal law is based on the symptoms that characterize the genus, species and the main direct object of a criminal offense. The traditional science of domestic criminal law a definition of the object of the criminal offense as a set of legally protected public relations and interests, which as a result of committing a socially dangerous act harmed or a real threat of substantial harm. Based on this definition and the structure of the criminal law, it is possible to draw a conclusion as to what generic trafficked recognized public relations and the interests of ensuring the inviolability of individual rights and freedoms; species – the social relations and the interests of ensuring the inviolability of the freedom, honor and dignity; the main direct object – the public relations and the interests of ensuring the inviolability of personal freedom as the right to dispose of himself freely to determine their location in space. Such an approach is fully consistent with the basic conclusions about the characteristics of the object of trafficking, obtained by researchers who have dedicated their works of development and improvement of criminal law measures to combat human trafficking.


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