Sustainable development issues as an important factorof the contemporary international relations


  • Zh. R. Abdukhalyk
  • F. T. Kukeyeva
        58 31

Ключевые слова:

Sustainable Development, rational use of natural resources, sustainable development indicators, UN and EU programs on sustainable development,


The world seems to be growing more unstable under the global economic crisis, ongoing ethnic conflicts and environmental disasters and irrational human use of natural resources. In addition to the negative impact of natural disasters on the environment, a destructive power has been arisen from the anthropogenic and technogenic phenomena, which jeopardize the safe development of future generations. Therefore a  priority of the modern society is to find the ways for optimal solving of current natural and anthropogenic problems and achieve a long-term sustainable development. Sustainable development issues are vital and urgent problems for independent experts, because nowadays the world community faces devastating phenomena as poverty and overpopulation, climate change, disability of many states for
rational distribution of natural resources etc.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future//
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6 Edwards A. R. Thriving Beyond Sustainability. Pathways to a Resilient Society.- Canada,- 2010.- P. 91
7 UN Institutional framework for sustainable development//http://
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8 UNEP Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production//
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9 Europa. Summaries of EU legislation. Environment. SD// (posted on December 18, 2009)


Как цитировать

Abdukhalyk, Z. R., & Kukeyeva, F. T. (2016). Sustainable development issues as an important factorof the contemporary international relations. Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право, 66(2). извлечено от



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