The scientific validity of the criminal law as a condition of their effectiveness (or theoretical and practical issues of classification of forms of participation)


  • С. М. Әпенов
        22 30


complicity in crimes, committed crime by a group of persons, simple complicity, organized group, criminal community,


The article describes one of the problems of the general criminal law - the classification of forms of participation and examined the extent to which current legislative wording theoretical and practical requirements of criminal law. During the analysis of Article 31 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan revealed its inconsistency above requirements for several reasons. First, the shape of the penal code, are not able to cover all of its criminal acts committed in complicity, namely in complicity with the distribution of roles, which is the essence of this legal institution. Second, the theory of criminal law, the crime was committed by group of persons is regarded as a form of complicity, not all its forms in the aggregate. Third, the new criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan refuses the concept of «forms of complicity». The author of article sees the reason for such refusal in the discussion of scientists on the issue of differentiation of types and forms of participation. On this occasion, the article offers solutions.


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