
  • Ын Джон Чо
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Ключевые слова:

New Asia, diplomacy


Для Кореи, находящейся в очень необычной ситуации – «раскол страны», просто необходимы дипломатические поддержки 4-х соседних стран, таких, как США, Япония, Китай и Россия и крепкое партнёрство с дружественными странами азиатского региона, чтобы обеспечить мир и стабильность в Корейском полуострове и во всём мире в целом. Развитие страны, которое Корея за последние десятилетия достигла, было возможно на основе помощи от международного сообщества. Теперь настала очередь Кореи. Поскольку в Азии существуют и развитые, и развивающиеся страны, Корея, эффективно используя свою позицию «посредника», должна играть связующую роль между этими странами. В частности, тот факт, что Корея была очередным председателем «Большой двадцатки» в условиях мирового финансового кризиса, позволяет ей хорошо представить позицию Азии в мировом сообществе. Теперь пора работать и реализовывать план. Нужно запомнить, что укрепление авторитета и имиджа какой-либо страны сразу произойдёт проведением нескольких международных форумов или его председательством. Это будет возможным только тогда, когда Корея непрерывно и реально сотрудничает с разными странами мира и по мере этого получает доверие.

Библиографические ссылки

1. Газированная экономика// http://www.wfi n.kz/node/ 5649 The key Global Imbalance – it is an accumulation of reserves by National Bank of China, and relevant to this policy profi t of Chinese mercantile balance, which has been compensated by the defi cit of USA. Obviously, the salvation of this contradictions will take a long time, and will be achieved only as a result of structural rebuild of Chinese and USA economies. Also, structural reforms in both countries (including the growth of Chinese, and relative decrease of American fi nancial sector).
2. Ko Kyung Min, Lee Hee Jin.(2008) Current status and issues of Korea’s ODA policy. Sejong institute :National Strategy 14(4) pp.61-89 For this Korea is planning to join the committee of OECD for contribution in development in 2010 and participate in the process of elaborating of collaborative policy to support other countries of the world. However, Korea is trying to refl ect the
specifi c and requests of each of developing countries of Asia in this process. Also, Korea is trying to differentiate each programs, in order all recipient-countries could receive the most appropriate aid for themselves. In the framework of such attempts Korea will held “4th forum on effi ciency of aids on high level”.
3. Korea-Asean Commemorative Summit in 2009// www. sejong.org/Pub_ci/PUB_CI_DATA/k2009-07_6.PDF Moreover, on the basis of “The plan of decreasing the blowout of carbohydrate oxygen and green development” Korea promotes the project on climate partnership of East-Asia, on the level 200 mln. US dollars in next 5 years, concerning developing countries in Asia. Within the frameworks of special summit between Korea and ASEAN, that was held on 2nd of June 2009, on the island Jeju, 10 ministers of trading of Korea and ASEAN signed FTA in the fi eld of investment.
4. Kwon Jong Rak.(2009. 06) The purpose and direction of the new Asian diplomacy Korea.// http://news.mofat.go.kr/enewspaper/articleview.php?master=&aid=2051&sid=18&mvid= 665 10 countries-members of ASEAN promote the idea of creating “ASEAN UNION” until 2015, also between countries of ASEAN + 3 and between countries of ASEAN + 6, the idea of signing East Asia Free Trading Agreement (EFTAA), and establishing Complex Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) respectively. Also, 8 countries of South-West Asia, including India and Pakistan, also broad regional partnership through Associations of Regional Cooperation of South Asia (CAAPK, SAARC).
5. ASEAN+3/EAS/ARF (SOM) http://fi n.mofat.go.kr/webmodule/htsboard/hbd/hbdread.jsp?typeID=6&boardid=235&seq no=327867&c=&t=&pagenum=1&tableName=TYPE_DATAB OARD&pc=&dc=&wc=&lu=&vu=&iu=&du= Within the framework of this, “Forum of East Asia on world economy” was held from 18th to 19th in Seoul. In this forum, opinions on world fi nancial crisis and climate changing were shared. Moreover, attempts take place in order to make fund of initiative of Chiang Mai (CMIM), received by ASEAN + 3 on the level of 120 billions, work until the end of this year. And that such fi nancial means contributed to the development of Asian Bond Market and to the amplifi cation of capital of Asian Development Bank, and fi nally signifi cantly contributed to the development of the system of preventing next fi nancial crisis.
6. Nazarbayev N.A., to fortify international position of Kazakhstan. – http://www.president.kz
7. Heginhotham, Eric and Richard J.Samuels. Japan’s Dual Hedge. Foreign Affairs. September/October, 2002 International forum, that unites countries from Asian continent, which see as an aim to fortify relations and cooperation between Asian countries in order to provide stability and security in the region. Established on the basis of suggestion by the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the framework of 47th meeting UN, which was held on 5th of October in 1992. Coutriesparticipants of CICA – Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, People’s Republic of China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Palestine, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Republic of Korea, Jordan and UAE.


Как цитировать

Чо, Ы. Д. (2016). “NEW ASIA” INITIATIVE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND ASIAN VECTOR OF DIPLOMACY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право, 56(6). извлечено от https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/265



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